Monday, September 13, 2004

CBS's New Expert

CBS cites a new "document expert," Bill Glennon:

"Everything that's in those documents, that people are saying can't be done, as you said, 32 years ago, is just totally false. Not true. Proportional spacing was available. Superscripts were available as a custom feature. Proportional spacing between lines was available. You can order that any way you'd like."

Yep. And I suppose he thinks that Killian--who didn't type--just happened to use this custom-made, high-end typewriter in the National Guard office? Please.

Here's my suggestion to Mr. Glennon: Take the (now) $37,000 challenge. All you have to do is to create identical document to the CBS Killian memos, using typewriting equipment available in 1972/1973, and the money is yours!