Friday, February 04, 2005

The Most Audacious Bible Translation Project Ever

Some Bible translation facts:
  • There are 6,913 languages in the world.
  • Only 2,300 people groups have as much as one book of the Bible translated and available.
  • In 1992, there were only 25 new translation projects starting every year--or one beginning every two weeks.

So in 1999 Wycliffe International came up with Vision 2025, with the goal of translating the Bible into "every language that needs one" by 2025. To accomplish this, they would need to begin two new translations a week.

Christianity Today's senior associate news editor Stan Guthrie recently sat down with Freddy Boswell, international translation coordinator for Wycliffe International, to interview him about the progress and challenges of Vision 2025.

To see how Vision 2025 is coming along--and to fuel your prayers--you can read the interview online.

[Update: thanks for the correction, Eric!]