Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What Is the Emerging Church Movement? Part 3

The emerging church definition from Wikipedia—the free, online, open-source encyclopedia—is a helpful place to begin.

The emerging church or emergent church is a diffuse movement which arose in the late 20th century as a reaction to the influence of modernism in Western Christianity. The movement is usually called a “conversation” by its proponents to emphasize its diffuse nature with contributions from many people and no clearly defined leadership or direction. The emerging church seeks to deconstruct and reconstruct Christianity as they live in a postmodern culture. While the movement is very diverse, many emergents display the following characteristics:

· Missional living. Christians should go out into the world to serve God rather than isolate themselves into communities of like-minded individuals.

· Narrative theology. Teaching should focus on narrative presentations of faith and the bible rather than systematic theology or biblical reductionism.

· Christ-centeredness. While not neglecting the study of scripture or the love of the church, Christians should focus their lives on the worship and emulation of the person of Jesus.