Tuesday, November 06, 2007

There Is a God

Antony Flew was an atheist before atheism was cool.

Now he has co-authored a new book, the title of which describes an event that rocked the philosophical world: There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, by Antony Flew and Roy Abraham Varghese (HarperCollin).

Varghese also pens the first appendix responding to the "new atheists." N. T. Wright writes the second preface, arguing for the historicity and plausibility of Jesus' incarnation and resurrection.

It's not that Flew is not a Christian; rather, he is currently a Jeffersonian deist.

The CT Liveblog has a good round-up of some of the controversy (including a recent NYT piece suggesting that perhaps Flew's mental abilities are fading and he is being exploited by eager colleagues).

You can read Gary Habermas's forthcoming Philosophi Christi review essay of the book (or as PDF)

For background it may be helpful to read the 2004 Discussion between Gary Habermas and Antony Flew (or as PDF)