Wednesday, January 02, 2008

"Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor"

David Mathis posts on D.A. Carson's forthcoming book, calling it "the most moving and inspiring book I’ve read in some time." Read the whole thing for some excerpts from the book.

And here are some of the endorsements for the book (which is due out Feb. 1, 2008):

"Read this book and be strengthened. You hold in your hands history, humor, and an amazing amount of wisdom for the Christian life (and wisdom especially for pastors!). Surprising, even striking, sentences abound. For example, 'He was not very good at putting people down, except on his prayer lists.' God again encourages his church through the observing and writing of Don Carson." —Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church

"In a day when we honor megachurch pastors, it is refreshing to read this account of an ordinary pastor—representing the unsung heroes among us who do not aspire to greatness but rather to godliness and faithfulness. This account of Dr. Don Carson's father gives us valuable insight into the life of a man who accepted the challenges of ministry with both integrity and grace, and in the telling of his story we are also treated to a rare insight into the life of a Protestant pastor in French Quebec. This book is a powerful reminder that there are no little places if we are faithful to the God who called us. Read it to be blessed, challenged, and instructed in matters that really count." —Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago

"Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor: The Life and Ministry of Tom Carson is a deeply edifying and timely book. Faithfulness, not numbers, not 'success,' not novelty, not 'relevance,' but faithfulness is the accrediting mark of gospel ministry, and that message comes through loud and clear from introduction to conclusion of this memoir. Reading it brought to mind the powerful words of Anna Waring: 'content to fill a little space, if Thou be glorified.' I found the content profoundly evocative and pastorally instructive. In a day and age of celebrity preachers and personality-driven ministries, it is utterly refreshing to be instructed and encouraged by the recounting of unfamous, lifelong, biblical fidelity in gospel labors. Read. Repent. Be encouraged. And then go thou and do likewise." —Ligon Duncan, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi; President, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals; Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary

"This book is a rare and precious gift from one of evangelicalism's greatest scholars. It is rare, because given our modern fascination with megachurches and celebrity pastors, we tend to overlook the simple, faithful pastor. It is precious for ordinary pastors like me, because Tom Carson's life is a biblical and inspiring model for pastoral ministry—ministry that is centered on the gospel, marked by integrity, and faithful to the end. How generous of Dr. Carson to bequeath his father's quiet legacy to us all. May every pastor and Christian who reads this book aspire to pass on such an 'ordinary' legacy." —C. J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries

"How can the application of a Bible-saturated mind (Don's) to a Bible-saturated life (Tom's) produce an even more helpful story to encourage pastors? Let the 'mind' be carried on a river of love because the 'life' is his father's. Then add a kind of narrative creativity you didn't know Don Carson had. That's how." —John Piper, Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis