Thursday, May 29, 2008

Together for Adoption

In a previous post I mentioned "Together for Adoption" being on a radio program: here's their new website: Here's a brief description of who they are:
Together for Adoption (T4A) sponsors regional adoption conferences that focus primarily on vertical adoption (i.e., God adopting us in Christ), with a secondary focus on its implications for orphan care and horizontal adoption (i.e., couples adopting children). In fulfillment of our objectives, we desire to see conference attendees walk away from a T4A event:
  • understanding why it is that vertical adoption is the highest blessing of the gospel
  • rejoicing afresh in the gospel
  • moved to act on James 1:27 both locally and globally
T4A’s goal is to see churches partnering together with established orphan care and adoption organizations that recognize the importance of vertical adoption, in order to sponsor regional adoption conference events. Ultimately, we believe that these conferences will help serve the church in fulfilling its responsibility to visit orphans in their affliction. For more information about Together for Adoption regional adoption conferences in general or on how your church may partner with us, contact Dan Cruver at dan.cruver (at) TogetherForAdoption (dot) org or Jason Kovacs at jason (at) abbafund (dot) org.
You can read more about the vision here.