Tuesday, July 07, 2009

How Can I Get Black People to Come to My Church?

A couple of thoughtful posts here from Curtis Allen in a response to a question he is frequently asked.

Here's an outline of part 1:
  • Black people are not monolithic
  • Does your church have the heart that you have for blacks coming into your church?
  • Is your church in proximity to a black community?
  • What sacrifices are you willing to make?
  • So what are some of the sacrifices that may need to be made?
And of part 2:
  • Where possible, invite some black Christians to your church to evaluate your service.
  • Be Genuine. It's okay to just "be white" around black people
  • Pray for direction
  • When possible use illustrations that can highlight the reality of and your disdain for racism
  • If there are already a few black people in your church they need to play a role here.
He closes by discussing some things that will be a struggle for most (though not all) black people:
  • Worship style will be a challenge.
  • Homeschool and the expectation of biblical womanhood may be a challenge.
  • Theology may be a challenge.
  • Over greeting could be a challenge.